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July 18, 2023

Dutchman Sentenced to 3 Years over Middel X Supply

Dutchman Sentenced to 3 Years over Middel X Supply

A Dutchman known as ‘Alex S’ has been sentenced to 3.5 years in prison for supplying suicide drug Middel X reports Algemeen Dagblad.

The court in Den Bosch sentenced Alex S. today to 3.5 years in prison, of which 1.5 years is suspended for, among other things, supplying the lethal substance, Middel-X (sodium azide).

At least ten of the people that he supplied the substance to used it to die while it is alleged that Alex sent Middel X to over 1600 people.

The Court found that Alex sent packages containing the suicide drug by mail ‘on a large scale’ over a period of 3 years.

Dutchman Sentenced to 3 Years over Middel X Supply

‘You asked no questions and delivered as required’ the Judge said.

‘You are not a doctor and not authorized to provide this drug.’ You ‘took the law into your own hands’.

This is the first time someone has been prosecuted and convicted for providing Middel X.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office (OM) plans to prosecute 10 more people for the same offence.

The sentence is six months less than the court demanded at the beginning of this month.

As far as the prosecution was concerned, Alex S. should have received a four-year prison sentence for his actions.


Over a period of nearly 3 years, Alex S. provided the lethal substance to people who asked for it.

He sent the substance by mail. In itself, the substance is not prohibited because it has other uses.

The punishment is to make clear that assisted suicide outside the euthanasia law ‘cannot remain unpunished, even if it is done with the best intentions’ the Prosecutor said early this month.

According to the prosecution, however, the defendant should not have supplied it to people who only wanted to use it to end their lives.

In addition to Middel X, the man also supplied anti-suicide medication. That, too, is not allowed without a license.

The 30-year-old was sentenced for supplying Middel X to at least ten people who then proceeded to suicide.

Those are the cases for which there is the most evidence.

The actual number of deceased is possibly higher and could rise sharply in the future, the prosecutor said.

Police have traced 30 deaths of people who had transferred money to the suspect when they were alive.

Fourteen people were found after their deaths, to have taken Middel X.

Dutchman Sentenced to 3 Years over Middel X Supply