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October 20, 2024

Doctor Behind ‘Suicide Pod’ Wants AI to Assist EOL

The death of an American woman inside Philip Nitschke’s latest invention reveals the next frontier in the right-to-die debate.

The world’s first assisted suicide pod wraps around the human body like a space capsule, tilting gently toward the sky.

The device is designed to look as if the person inside were embarking on a journey, …

September 12, 2024

First images of double suicide pod for UK couple

Daily Mail

The first pictures of the double suicide pod set to be used to euthanise a British couple have been revealed by the assisted dying company behind the controversial new device.

Peter and Christine Scott, who have been married for 46 years, told the Mail this week that they have made the decision to end their …

September 8, 2024

Middel X Persists in the NL: despite the Court Case

De Volkskrant

He knows he may risk a prison sentence.

Nevertheless, former police officer Dik van Oers is trying, quite openly, to find a construction to distribute the suicide drug X ‘legally’ write Maud Effting and Haro Kraak in De Volkskrant.

In green overalls, 80-year-old Dik van Oers sits behind the smooth white table in his study.…

August 25, 2024

Canada’s assisted-dying law faces constitutional fight

The Canadian Press

OTTAWA — A man who says he suffers from chronic and worsening mental health issues is among those launching a court challenge of the federal government’s assisted dying law, which excludes people suffering solely from a mental disorder.

An application filed by Dying with Dignity in Ontario Superior Court on Monday argues that it is …



July 21, 2024

Press Button To Die -Switzerland

Agence France Presse

Zurich, Switzerland

An assisted dying group expects a portable suicide pod to be used for the first time in Switzerland, potentially within months, providing death without medical supervision, it said Wednesday.

The space-age-looking Sarco capsule, first unveiled in 2019, replaces the oxygen inside it with nitrogen, causing death by hypoxia. It would cost $20 to …



July 7, 2024

CLW Activists Escape Jail Time

Two of the six former members of the Coöperatie Laatste Wil (CLW) were this week found guilty of distributing Middel X (sodium azide) amongst their members.

According to a Dutch Court in the southern city of Arnhem, these six activists formed a criminal organisation to enable assisted suicide.

All those charged were over the age …



July 5, 2024

‘Tesla of euthanasia’ death capsule that kills in seconds

Tesla of euthanasia’ death capsule that kills occupant in seconds to be used for first time

The case fills with nitrogen to starve the occupant of oxygen, rendering the patient unconscious before they die – but the capsules have been criticised by pro-life campaigners

A ‘death capsule’ designed to carry out assisted suicides is due …

June 11, 2024

Execution by nitrogen hypoxia not headed for widespread adoption


Execution by nitrogen hypoxia not headed for widespread adoption as bills fall short and nitrogen producers object reports Dakin Andone at CNN with Micah Green/Reuters.

The day after Alabama carried out the first-known US execution using nitrogen gas, its attorney general sent a clear message to death penalty states that might want to follow suit: …

June 1, 2024

Alejandro Vasquez Indicted for Importing Suicide Drug

Homeland Security

CHICAGO — A federal grand jury in Chicago indicted a Mexican resident on drug charges for allegedly illegally importing the drug pentobarbital into the United States from Mexico for use in committing suicide.

The indictment followed a Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Chicago investigation.

A superseding indictment returned May 28 in U.S. District Court in Chicago …