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July 21, 2024

Needles, Drinks & Buttons – an Existential Dilemma

In recent weeks, I have watched as the Sarco has neared its completion.

This has taken place in a workshop in Rotterdam.

I have watched as the electronics guy has trouble-shot (is that a term) his system and made some necessary last minute adjustments.

I have watched ‘the button’ being ordered online and installed.

I’ve …



April 7, 2024

She who sups with the devil …

She who sups with the devil should have a long spoon …

Part of me wants to shake Zoraya and tell her to wake up to herself.

She may be depressed, and she may have any number of psychiatric maladies, but that does not mean that she should throw common sense (and her caution) to …



March 17, 2024

Starmer Guidelines Keep Families Apart

The recent death of Scottish solicitor, Bruce de Wert, draws attention to the chaotic and inhumane state of the law in the UK.

In 2014, the now Labour Leader, Keir Starmer, issued CPS guidelines about prosecutions for assisted suicide.

At that time Starmer was the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Presumably, the intention of his office …



February 18, 2024

Couples Going Together: the Luck of Timing

Last week, former Dutch Prime Minister, Dries van Agt died at his home in Nijmegen.

His wife Eugenie died alongside him.

These deaths have sparked significant international media coverage, making much mention of the fact that they died holding hands. Both were 93 years. Both were very ill.

Despite much of the reporting, the chances …



January 27, 2024

The Facts about Nitrogen Hypoxia 101

The Facts about Nitrogen Hypoxia 101 by Dr Philip Nitschke

This week the State of Alabama executed Kenny Smith using an off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all face mask that they purchased for $308 (exc shipping).

In using the face mask in this way Alabama Corrections went against the manufacturer’s instructions and warranty.

And they ignored advice provided to …

January 6, 2024

Execution using Nitrogen Hypoxia is Doomed to Fail

In the run-up to Christmas, I spent a good deal of my time and all my concentration on the ‘stay of execution’ legal appeal with the lawyers for Kenny Smith in the US State of Alabama, arguing that their planned Execution using Nitrogen Hypoxia is Doomed to Fail.

I was pleased to be able to …

December 10, 2023

Backstory to Australia’s Ban on the Telephone & Internet

This week, the Federal Court of Australia ruled that ‘assisted dying’ is the same as ‘suicide’!

No surprises there although we suspect that there are plenty of ‘voluntary assisted dying’ groups will be upset at this revelation …

The action was brought by Victorian doctor Nick Carr who was seeking to have voluntary assisted dying …

September 10, 2023

Why I am voting YES says Exit Founder

It is not often that I stray into mainstream politics, but the forthcoming Australian Referendum on a Voice to Parliament is one issue that I cannot stay silent about.

I am voting YES because Aboriginal people have received a raw deal from us white Australians for over 200 years (to put it mildly).

Genocide and …

August 13, 2023

VAD Law must be More Ethical than Recent Police Tactics

Online Opinion, by Dr David Swanton

Although suicide is legal and the ACT Government is working to legislate for voluntary assisted dying (VAD), recent insensitive actions of police in Canberra suggest that police think suicide is illegal.

Welfare checks

What happened? In recent months, police have conducted so-called welfare checks on elderly Canberrans.

This sounds innocuous, and commendable, if the checks …

July 9, 2023

A Tale of 2 Cases of the Salts

This week in the Netherlands, the Dutch Prosecutor is arguing that the infamous ‘Alex from Eindhoven’ should receive a four-year prison sentence for supplying the end of life drug Middel X (sodium azide).

The State alleges that at least 10 people have died after taking the substance supplied by Alex.

The trial is currently taking …