The Exit Podcasts with Drs Philip Nitschke & Fiona Stewart began life during the pandemic as a way to stay connected with the Exit membership. In November 2023, the Podcasts rebooted.
In November 2024, Exit produced their first Videocast (in addition to the podcast). The topic was the aftermath of the Sarco.
Comments/ contributions for any aspect of Exit’s program can be sent to:
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Exit Podcast No 28
24 November 2024
First Swiss Sarco Use – Interview with Philip Nitschke
Breaking his silence this week, Exit Director and Sarco Creator, Dr Philip Nitschke, has spoken out about the first use of the Sarco, how the device operated exactly as planned and the dirty politics which have since come into play. After 12 years of production and planning the Sarco was finally used in Switzerland on
Exit Podcast No 27
24 March 2024
‘What I wish I’d told Kenny’ (before his Nitrogen execution)
Alabama death row inmate, Kenny Smith, made history in a way that he never wanted. He became the first prisoner in the US to be executed using a method known as nitrogen hypoxia. Kenny Smith died from a lack of oxygen to his brain. Eye-witness accounts of his death show a man experiencing a prolonged
Exit Podcast No 26
5 November 2023
Nitrite and the Ken Law Trial
First Exit Podcast for 2023 featuring Fiona Stewart in conversation with Philip Nitschke. The topic is the coming Canadian trial of Kenneth Law a distributor of the lethal legal salt, sodium nitrite. Described by some as a ‘serial killer’, but by many members of Exit as a saviour who provided them with a reliable means
Exit Podcast No 25
6 March 2022
Let’s Get Psyched Podcast – UNcancelled
Cancel Culture strikes the right to die movement On Jan 6, 2022 Philip Nitschke was interviewed by Uni of California psychiatry blog “Let’s get Psyched” of his views on the availability of assisted suicide, demedicalising the process, and the ideas driving the Sarco project. The episode was published on Jan 16 as Episode #120 “The
Exit Podcast No 24
17 October 2021
The Huib Drion Letter: 30 Years Later
When former Dutch Supreme Court Judge, Huib Drion, wrote a short but pointed letter to the editor of the newspaper, NRC, little could he have known what his legacy would be. Drion argued that all older people should have a right to terminate their lives at a time of their choosing. He argued that this
Exit Podcast No 23
15 August 2021
The Azide Wars
The Azide Wars have come about with the advent in the Netherlands of Middel X as an end of life method. As a country where voluntary euthanasia has long been legal, there has been a groundswell of discontentment amongst older people who resent having to ask doctors for help to die. Addressing this souring mood
Exit Podcast No 22
30 May 2021
Restrospective: Philip Nitschke reflects on 25 years of political activism
The May Exit Podcast (note name change) features an interview with Philip Nitschke as he reflects on the highs / lows of 25+ years of end of life political activism including the effect on his work of his move to the Netherlands, how it feels to be politically persecuted, major turning points in the debate
Exit Podcast No 21
18 April 2021
The Pushback: Towards a New Human Rights Debate
In early April, Dutch activist group, CLW launched legal action against the Dutch state arguing that the prohibition on assisted suicide and assisted suicide drugs should be abolished. The Pushback: Towards a New Human Rights Debate is the topic of Exit’s 21st Podcast. If self-determination is a fundamental human right, CLW argue and if a nation
Exit Podcast No 20
14 March 2021
The Inevitable – The New Book by Katie Engelhart
In The Inevitable – The first book by Katie Engelhart, readers can find one of the most thorough analyses of the modern right to die movement. Exit first met Katie Englehart about 5 years ago when she was part of the production team behind the Vice documentary, Time to Die. After 4 years of filming,
Exit Podcast No 19
21 February 2021
The USA Lethal Mixtures
In this week’s Doxit Death with Dignity Podcast we discuss the February 2021 update to the Peaceful Pill Handbook. Since the scarcity of Nembutal – the best end of life drug – in the US due to both its prohibitive price and the refusal of EU drug manufacturers to sell the drug in that country (because
Exit Podcast No 18
24 January 2021
Premedication & Potentiation
In this week’s Doxit Podcast we discuss the January 2021 update to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook which focuses on the two issues of premedication and potentiation and the role both play in a peaceful and reliable death. Potentiation is relevant if one has drugs / substances that are old, or from dubious sources or which
Exit Podcast No 17
3 January 2021
2020 Looking Forward / Looking Back
The year that was thanks to COVID-19 but it was not all bad news. Exit’s most recent Doxit Podcast ‘Looking Back Looking Forward’ reflects on the good and the bad to come out of the pandemic experience. For example, like so many organisations around the world, Exit moved our core operations online. Face to face
Exit Podcast No 16
13 December 2020
Australian/ NZ Legal Wave of Change
From 25 years ago when voluntary euthanasia for the terminally ill was so controversial that the Federal Government of Australia used a hitherto unknown section of the Australian Constitution (s122) to overturn the Northern Territory‘s Rights of the Terminally Ill Act to today when politicians can’t act fast enough as a show of compassion and
Exit Podcast No 15
8 November 2020
Physiology of a Good Death – why it works & how!
In this Doxit Podcast we explore the physiology behind the good death. Taking the recent new Peaceful Pill eHandbook chapter on ‘Death Physiology’ as our starting point, we discuss the science behind the efficacy of some methods as distinct from others (eg. Nembutal over Opiates) and consider how each strategy discussed in the book falls
Exit Podcast No 13
13 September 2020
NuTech 2020 Conference Program for Sat 26 Sept: a sneek peak!
The NuTech Conference was held on Saturday 26 September with a 100% online program, drawing speakers from the Netherlands, US, France, Australia, Scotland & more. NuTech is the only global group to explore the possibilities offered by new technologies in regard to a peaceful and reliable death, instead of doctor-administered voluntary assisted dying. This year’s
Exit Podcast No 11
16 August 2020
Sarco X Euthanasia Capsule Arrives
Sarco X is a 3D-printed euthanasia capsule that provides a peaceful and reliable death. First exhibited at the Amsterdam Funeral Fair in 2018 and then at Venice Design in 2019 and Cube Design Museum in 2020, the latest iteration of the Sarco – Sarco X – has recently undergone its final lab testing at Haarlem in the Netherlands and is now
Exit Podcast No 10
26 July 2020
Is a Nembutal Death ‘Cruel & Unusual’?
In this week’s Podcast, we discuss the controversial use of Nembutal in capital punishment executions in the US. In particular, we examine the argument that prisoners have recently presented to US Courts that death by pentobarbital injection causes flash pulmonary edema. Flash pulmonary edema, they say, constitutes cruel & unusual punishment. And cruel & unusual punishment is
Exit Podcast No 9
12 July 2020
Do You Need a Doctor?
This week’s Doxit Podcast examines the topic of the medicalisation of death. Whereas once a death was the domain of religion, and suicide was considered a sin against God, more recently the public discourse on suicide has medicalised the act, treating it as a mental illness. No rational person could ever wish to end their
Exit Podcast No 8
28 June 2020
Miscarriage – The Story of Graham Morant
In 2018, Graham Morant was found guilty of inciting (and assisting)his wife Jenny to suicide. This is the first case where a charge of incitement to suicide has led to a conviction. Graham received 6 years for assisting Jenny’s suicide and 10 years for inciting. These sentences were to be served concurrently. but… At the time of
Exit Podcast No 7
14 June 2020
The R2D Debreather, more on the lethal salts, plus CNN story on Cindy Shepler
This week we pick up on two of the issues covered in this month’s June update to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook (Nitrite & the Debreather) and discuss the recent CNN article on ME/ CFS sufferer, Cindy Shepler and her VAD in December last year. The R2D Debreather is a device that enables a person to end
Exit Podcast No 6
31 May 2020
The Rise & Fall of Chloroquine
Long before President Trump touted that chloroquine would be the ‘game changer’ in the fight against COVID-19, this under-rated and useful end of life drug was making something of a comeback since it was first promoted by the French suicide manual Suicide Mode d’Emploi in 1982. The ready availability of this anti-malarial has contributed to
Exit Podcast No 5
24 May 2020
Lethal Salts Part II
This Podcast continues the discussion of the Lethal Salts by taking a look at a number of eye witness accounts and teasing out some of the elements of the Exit RPA Test – the Reliability, Peacefulness, Availability Test as it is discussed and used in The Peaceful Pill eHandbook.
Exit Podcast No 4
17 May 2020
Lethal Salts & the Law
In some ways the Lethal Salts have remained under the right-to-die radar. But are they the new Drion pill? Are they the new peaceful pill? What does the law have to say on these relatively freely available lethal substances? And what of a clamp-down to prevent public access? Some even suggest that the Lethal Salts
Exit Podcast No 3
10 May 2020
Happy Hypoxia in the Age of COVID & Dementia
This week we take the lead from the plethora of news reports on ‘happy hypoxia’ vis a vis COVID-19 and a good death. The term ‘happy hypoxia’ first gained attention in early 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some people whose lungs were severely affected by the virus (so that oxygen could not readily cross into
Exit Podcast No 2
3 May 2020
Advance Directives in the Time of COVID
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new urgency to end of life planning, as far as Advance Directives go. The arrival of COVID-19 reinforces the need for everyone to prepare a legally-recognised advance directive document and arrange the appointment of a legal representative (eg. guardian, proxy, agent, etc.). An advance directive can outline the nature of
Exit Podcast No 1
26 April 2020
Covid-19 & the Good Death
The Doxit Podcasts is a series of discussions about a good death: focused on the monthly updates to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook & global news / developments on assisted suicide etc. Podcast No 1 addresses the April 2020 COVID-19 Update to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook, examining issues such as COVID-19 pneumonia, active & passive ventilation,