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Peaceful Pill Handbook Updates

July 21, 2024

The Long-Awaited Sarco Update

It is more than 12 months since the Peaceful Pill eHandbook Sarco Chapter has been updated.

That makes the July 2024 update long overdue!

In our defence, we were waiting for Sarco to be completed before sharing the news.

This time is now.

The Sarco was unveiled this week in Zurich, Switzerland.

The Sarco is …

April 14, 2024

Sodium Nitrite Explainer Video

The month of April brings two new videos, recorded live at the 2024 Australian Workshop tour.

Following from the Nitrogen update on 1 April, there is a new update on Sodium Nitrite (15 April).

The most recent video sees Philip Nitschke explain the origins of this substance as an end of life alternative.

In the …

March 24, 2024

Nitrogen Hypoxia Explainer Video

The month of April brings two new videos, recorded live at the 2024 Australian Workshop tour.

Following from the Nitrogen update on 1 April, there is a new update on Sodium Nitrite (15 April).

The most recent video sees Philip Nitschke explain the origins of this substance as an end of life alternative.

In the …

February 29, 2024

March 2024 Essentials PPeH Update

Couples Going Together

The news in recent weeks of the ‘duo euthanasia’ of the former Dutch Prime Minister and his wife has generated a vast array of questions from Exit member couples about how they, too, could plan to die together.

For people who have been together for many years, it makes a lot of …

January 14, 2024

February 2024 Essentials PPeH Update

The February 2024 Update of the PPeH is now available.

Log In

In the weeks leading up to Christmas, lead author and Exit Director Dr Philip Nitschke, flew to Alabama in the US to appear as an expert witness to try to stop Smith’s execution using nitrogen hypoxia.

Ignoring expert advice, Alabama decided that Smith …

December 17, 2023

December 2023 Essentials PPeH Update

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the planned December Update to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook on Nitrogen Hypoxia has been held over to a later date.

The December Update – now published – features instead new information about where / how to buy over-the-counter Nembutal in Lima, Peru.

For more than a decade, Peru has …

July 31, 2023

August 2023 Essentials PPeH Update

Following last week’s positive test results of the Sarco at the workshop in Rotterdam (NL), the Sarco project Chapter in the Peaceful Pill eHandbook Essentials has now also been updated.

The new Chapter provides an update of the state of play of the Sarco project, as well as documenting the road forward.

Of most importance …