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Peaceful Pill Blog

Submission to Inquiry into End of Life Choices

I made a late submission to the Parliamentary Committee Inquiry into End of Life Choices in the Australian state of Victoria, not expecting it to be accepted, but it was. Here it is : …the tintinnabulation that so musically wells  From the bells, bells, bells, bells, Bells, bells, bells - From the jingling ...
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A day in the country

When Australian Broadcast Corporation invited contributions to their Death and Dying ABC Open project, I submitted the following. But it has not appeared on the website. Is this a case of censorship by our national broadcaster? I guess we'll never know since they are not responding to my emails. Dr. Johannes Klabbers On ...
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(no title)

Why I don’t want to know about dying to know day A lot of things have a day now. Last week we had Cheesecake Day. That was good. I like cheesecake. In Mexico they have a Day of the Dead. In Australia The Groundswell Project has declared August 8th #DyingToKnowDay ...
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The life and death of Rogi Wieg

Rogi Wieg, a well known Dutch poet, died by voluntary euthanasia in Amsterdam on Wednesday night. Throughout his life he suffered from serious depression and anxiety. He frequently had long spells in psychiatric institutions where he received electroshock therapy. He attempted suicide three times. His request for euthanasia was granted ...
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Oh: A word about Nembutal & Young People

The Fairfax media in Australia this week seemed to have worked themselves into a lather about young people taking Nembutal. As was written about in Philip Nitschke's autobiography Damned If I Do back in 2012 when Fairfax last mounted a moral panic campaign on this topic, those who are younger ...
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What the Supreme Court Decision Means

If anyone was wondering what the Northern Territory Supreme Court really means, here it is.  According to Exit International lawyers, the decision is a scathing account of the behaviour of the Medical Board of South Australia and the NT Medical Tribunal. Both failed miserably to apply the law. The following ...
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The slippery slope

Those who are opposed to rational people having the ability to make their own choices about how their life ends are fond of using the phrase 'the slippery slope' and also of quoting erroneous statistics from The Netherlands. Steven Poole in The Guardian wrote a nice article on the origins ...
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Gotta Love the Irish

In a court case that has caused many to wonder about the state of the Irish nation, Dublin taxi-driver, Gail O'Rorke has recently seen her life played out in Ireland's criminal courts. Her crime? To try to help her good friend and MS sufferer, Bernadette Forde, travel to Dignitas in ...
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MET Interview Philip Nitschke Under Caution on 16 April 2015

So, the MET have received a vexatious complaint from pro-life UK and the Metropolitan Police want to interview Exit Director, Philip Nitschke, under caution? Hell no, don't talk about death and dying. At least not in England. This matter is all about free speech. It is about the Religious Right ...
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Lucretia Seales is a New Zealand lawyer dying of a brain tumour

Lucretia Seales is a New Zealand lawyer dying of a brain tumour. She was interviewed on ABC TV's Lateline show on Friday 10 April 2015.  The interview has many points of note: Lucretia was asked in detail about the desired manner and timing of her death. Her response was the ...
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