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Peaceful Pill Blog

Fudging the Facts in the Azide Wars

This week in Fudging the Facts in the Azide Wars, my old colleague, psychiatrist Boudewijn Chabot wrote a prominent opinion piece in the Dutch newspaper NRC called 'I can't warn enough about Middel X'. Normally, I would welcome an opinion from a fellow activist, but not this week. Chabot's column ...
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Ensuring Northern Territory Rights Bill 2021

The below is the submission of Exit International to the Australian Senate inquiry into the current ban on the Northern Territory making laws on assisted suicide/ voluntary euthanasia, 30 August 2021. Committee Secretary Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee PO Box 6100 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 29 August 2021 ...
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The Azide Wars

The Backstory The first shots in The Azide Wars were fired in March 2019 when the Dutch Medical Association Journal NTvG published several articles attacking what was described in the editorial as 'the ideology of suicide”' In a lead article 'The Rise and Fall of Agent X', journalist (and co-author ...
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Suicide Related Materials Offences Act

Exit International has long been the subject of political persecution by multiple governments in Australia. Nowhere is this more obvious than with the Suicide Related Materials Offences Act (Australia) amendment to the Australian Criminal Code. In short, this infamous 2006 Australian law prevents the use of the phone, email, fax ...
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Celebrating 25 Years since the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act

We are celebrating 25 Years since the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1 July 2021, because it was 25 years since the Northern Territory of Australia became the first place in the world to implement a voluntary euthanasia law, the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act. The law was ...
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Holocaust Survivor Zsuzsi Yardley dies in Switzerland

Exit Life Member - Zsuzsi Yardley - died at Pegasos in Liestal Switzerland on 3 June 2021. Shortly before her death Zsuzsi wrote: Dear Friends, It is more than fifty years ago that I joined a campaigning organisation for the right to make choices at the end of life, called ...
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Australia Border Force Seize Peaceful Pill Handbook

It is perhaps ironic that the very week that ABC TV screens Laura's Choice documentary - a film that features the Peaceful Pill Handbook - that Australia Border Force Seize Peaceful Pill Handbook - copies that have been properly ordered from OS by seriously ill, older Australians. This is now ...
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Assisted Dying and Organ Donation

At Exit, we are often asked about assisted dying and organ donation. For example, is it possible to donate one’s organs after a suicide or, in the context of an assisted dying law, after the assisted death/ assisted suicide. In general, the answer has always been no, except in countries ...
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NT News Front Page

The First Place in the World

 Very Brief History On 1 July 1995, the Northern Territory of the Australia became the first place in the world to pass an assisted dying law. The Rights of the Terminally Ill Act  (ROTI) was that law. On 1 July 1996, the full implementation of the law occurred. On 22 ...
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Kevin Andrews and Philip Nitschke

Vale – Kevin Andrews Loses Preselection

International readers may well ask who is Kevin Andrews? In a nutshell, he's the guy whose private member's bill in the Australian Parliament (The Euthanasia Laws Act) led to the overturning of the world's first voluntary euthanasia law - the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act (NT) (ROTI) in 1996 ...
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